Greene Health and Physiotherapy Seminar Event Packages are available locally, nationally and internationally. If we offer an event you feel would be of benefit to your staff or professionals in your region, or if you have an interest in hosting an event at your facility, please contact Gerard Greene. We are always pleased to hear from you.

Additionally, we welcome suggestions - you could help us design the perfect event for your location.
AACP Accredited Foundation Acupuncture Course

Successful Completion will entitle participants to join the AACP

This new Foundation Acupuncture course will provide the required knowledge and understanding of the physiological effects of acupuncture on pain management and the healing process.

The two practical weekends are supported by a curriculum incorporating home study modules.

Acupuncture Update Course

This one-day course will enable clinicians to:

  • Discuss evidence based research in acupuncture to support its teaching.
  • Focus on treatment dose, needling techniques (manipulation, manual v electro, needle retention time, and point specifity).
  • Address the Role of acupuncture in chronic pain.
  • Utilise acupuncture effectively to address the causative factors such as swelling, stiffness, weakness/muscle wasting, anxiety all of which will exacerbate pain and delay healing. 
Advanced Manual Therapy and Clinical Reasoning Skills to Enhance Patient Assessment and Management

This innovative two day clinical course will enable participants to:

  • Incorporate a Mechanisms Based Approach to Clinical Reasoning
  • Refine objective Testing to include functional demo, differential testing, mini treatments, developing innovative practice
  • Develop a clinically relevant approach to pain mechanisms and neurodynamic
Advanced Uro-Gynaecology assessment and management for Physiotherapists

This specialist course is a blend of theory and practice and is designed for the experience clinician in women’s health physiotherapy who wants to further develop their clinical skills.

Dynamic Taping Practical Seminar

Dynamic Taping seminars are highly practical workshops which provide a clear understanding of the principles and techniques that can be used immediately in clinical practice.

Entry level Women’s health course: Pelvic Floor function & Dysfunction

This new and innovative clinically led 2 day course is designed for the clinician who wants to develop a career in Women’s health and requires the practical skills and theoretical knowledge to do so. It is also aimed at Women’s Health physios who would like to attend and update or develop their skills.

ESP Musculoskeletal Injection Update Course

The content of this one day course has been put together through close collaboration with ESP practioneers. It is aimed at ESP Physiotherapists who regularly inject. There will be an emphasis on refining and developing practical injection skills. The course will be underpinned by clinical reasoning and will provide a forum for clinicians to discuss indications, rationale, evidence and challenges of injection therapy. While there will be an emphasis on Knee & Shoulder other areas will also be addressed.

Formthotics Workshop

This free practical seminar is aimed at Physios & health professionals based in the Private sector: 

On completion participants will have: 

  • Competency to prescribe & fit formthotics for a range of clinical conditions
  • Experience at selecting the most appropriate formthotic device for various clinical presentations. 
  • Developed confidence in using, handling and fitting the product through practical hands on demonstration and practice 
Integrating Spinal Manipulation and Combined Movements for pain & dysfunction

This 2 day course covers the theory and application of spinal manual therapy, including manipulative thrusts, with emphasis on the use of combined movements.

Introduction to Paediatric Musculoskeletal Practice

This innovative one day clinical course is ideal for physiotherapists with an interest in paediatrics or paeds and MSk physios wanting to refresh, update or develop their practice.

Patellofemoral Pain Uncovered

This course aims to directly impact on the clinician's ability to assess and treat patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome, (PFPS). The course is a mixture of theory, demonstrations and practical sessions, totally underpinned by evidence. There is a strong emphasis on clinical reasoning throughout.

Physiotherapy Management of the Pregnant & Post Natal Client

Are you a musculoskeletal or sports physio who wants to develop your skills in assessing and treating the pregnant or post natal client or are you a women’s health physio who want’s to update or look at the the musculoskeletal management of this client group.

Rehabilitative Ultrasound Imaging in Women’s & Men’s Health Physiotherapy

This innovative one day clinical course is ideal for physiotherapists with an interest in Women’s and Men’s Health wanting to refresh, update or develop their Ultrasound imaging skills.

Respiratory Update Course

This one-day course will enable clinicians to:

  • Update and Refresh their Respiratory clinical skills
  • ​Improve their Respiratory clinical reasoning abilities
  • Develop Respiratory background knowledge to include
  • Pulmonary Pathology, Respiratory Anatomy & Physioloogy,
  • Ventilation & Postioning
  • Effects of Anaesthesia
  • Respiratory failure
  • Explore patient management through the use of Case Studies
Running Repairs: Comprehensive Management of Running Related Injury

This two day course covers the theory and application of spinal manual therapy, including manipulative thrusts, with emphasis on the use of combined movements

The Integration of Strength & Conditioning and Athletic Screening to the Management of the Sporting Client: Recreational to elite level

New innovative two day course is aimed at Physiotherapists, S & C Coaches, Sports Therapists and Fit Pros who are involved in the Rehab and management of sports people from recreational to elite level.

Using Psychological Interventions in Physical Health Care

This two-day course will utilise didactic teaching, demonstrations, experiential exercises and group work to help physiotherapists and other health care professionals integrate evidence-based psychological techniques and strategies into their routine clinical work. The course material will draw on theory and practice from Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and Motivational Interviewing (MI).

Yoga for Physios & Health Pros

This new two day yoga course will enable participants to use yoga therapeutically as a treatment and rehabilitation tool with their patients.